(a)   In every case where property has not been specifically included within a district, the same is hereby declared to be in the R-I District. Territory annexed to or consolidated with the Village subsequent to the effective date of this ordinance shall, upon the effective of such annexation or consolidation become part of the R-I District (provided such territory is not subject to county or township zoning regulations at the time of annexation). Such districting shall be temporary and the Commission shall recommend to the Council within a period of not to exceed one (1) year from such date of annexation or consolidation of a final zoning district for the annexed territory: provided, however, that zoning map at the time of annexation or consolidation. Upon annexation of territory which is subject to county or township zoning regulations then in effect shall remain in full force and be enforced by the respective county or township zoning officials until the Village Council, upon recommendation of the Commission, shall officially adopt new regulations for such territory in accordance with Chapter 1181.
   (b)   In the alternative, an owner of property seeking annexation of such property to the Village may specifically request in annexation petition that annexation of such property be contingent on the property being included within certain zoning district. Council, prior to acting on the petition, shall immediately refer the petitioner’s request to the Commission and await its recommendation. The Commission’s recommendation shall be in accordance with Chapter 1181 and shall be rendered within sixty (60) days. In the event petitioner’s request is denied by either the Commission of Village Council, the petitioner shall be permitted the opportunity to withdraw his annexation petition.
(Ord. 1989-14. Passed 6-20-89.)