A.   Repealed Ordinances Not Revived: When any ordinance repealing a former ordinance, or part thereof, shall be itself repealed, such repeal shall not be construed to revive the former ordinance or part thereof, unless it shall be therein so expressly provided. (2006 Code § 1-2-6)
   B.   Prior Acts: No new ordinance shall be construed or held to repeal a former ordinance, whether such former ordinance is expressly repealed or not, as to any offense committed against such former ordinance or as to any act done, any penalty, forfeiture or punishment so incurred, or any right accrued or claim arising under the former ordinance, or in any way whatever to affect any such offense or act so committed or so done, or any penalty, forfeiture or punishment so incurred or any right accrued or claim arising before the new ordinance takes effect, save only that the proceedings thereafter shall conform to the ordinance in force at the time of such proceeding, so far as practicable. If any penalty, forfeiture or punishment may be mitigated by any provision of a new ordinance, such provision may be, by consent of the party affected, applied to any judgment announced after the new ordinance takes effect.
   C.   Extend To All Repeals: This section shall extend to all repeals, either by express words or implication, whether the repeal is in the ordinance making any new provisions upon the same subject or in any other ordinance.
   D.   Current Pending Actions: Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed as abating any action now pending under or by virtue of any general ordinance of the city herein repealed, and the provisions of all general ordinances contained in this code shall be deemed to be continuing provisions and not a new enactment of the same provisions; nor shall this chapter be deemed as discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accrued or to accrue, or as affecting the liability of any person, firm or corporation, or as waiving any right of the city under any ordinance or provision thereof in force at the time of the adoption of this code. (2016 Code)
   E.   Use Violations: The adoption of this code shall not be interpreted as the permission of any use or the continuance of any use of structure or premises in violation of any ordinance of the city in effect on the date of adoption of this code. (2006 Code § 1-2-7)