For all proposed developments that alter a watercourse within a special flood hazard area, the following standards apply:
   A.   Channelization and flow diversion projects shall appropriately consider issues of sediment transport, erosion, deposition, and channel migration and properly mitigate potential problems through the project as well as upstream and downstream of any improvement activity. A detailed analysis of sediment transport and overall channel stability should be considered, when appropriate, to assist in determining the most appropriate design.
   B.   Channelization and flow diversion projects shall evaluate the residual 100-year floodplain.
   C.   Any channelization or other stream alteration activity proposed by a project proponent must be evaluated for its impact on the regulatory floodplain and be in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local floodplain rules, regulations and ordinances.
   D.   Any stream alteration activity shall be designed and sealed by a registered Colorado professional engineer or certified professional hydrologist.
   E.   All activities within the regulatory floodplain shall meet all applicable federal, state and municipal floodplain requirements and regulations.
   F.   Within the regulatory floodway, stream alteration activities shall not be constructed unless the project proponent demonstrates through a floodway analysis and report, sealed by a registered Colorado professional engineer, that there is not more than a 0.00 foot rise in the proposed conditions compared to existing conditions floodway resulting from the project, otherwise known as a no rise certification, unless the community first applies for a CLOMR and floodway revision in accordance with section 12-1-18 of this chapter.
   G.   Maintenance shall be required for any altered or relocated portions of watercourses so that the flood carrying capacity is not diminished. (Ord. 508, 4-1-2013)