A. Objects: It shall be unlawful for any person to park or place any object on any roadway maintained and operated by the city without specific permission from the superintendent of public works. If permission is granted, the owner or operator shall ensure that the object is so lighted and protected by warning signs and/or barricades so as to allow the effective movement of traffic on the roadway. (2006 Code § 9-8-5)
B. Materials:
1. No person shall throw, spill, or deposit upon any highway any bottle, glass, nail, tack, wire, can, or litter, as defined in 415 Illinois Compiled Statutes 105/3. It shall be unlawful for any person who commits an act described in this subsection B1 to fail or to refuse to remove such material or cause it to be removed immediately.
2. Any person removing a wrecked or damaged vehicle from a highway shall remove any glass or other debris dropped on the highway from the vehicle. (2006 Code § 9-8-13)