The following acts or omissions thereof are hereby declared to be nuisances:
A. Allowing premises to become nauseous or offensive to persons in the vicinity, including dilapidation.
B. Owning, keeping, or permitting the use of any premises in or on which cattle or other livestock or other animals shall be confined or kept, so as to be offensive to those residing in the vicinity or to be in an offensive, nauseous, or filthy condition.
C. Owning, possessing, or permitting the use of any premises for any noisy or boisterous activity which disturbs the peace of the neighborhood in which the premises is situated, or which creates a dangerous condition or a condition detrimental to health.
D. Keeping or maintaining any premises for the purpose or encouragement of any illegal activity.
E. Causing to be discharged, placed, or thrown, or causing to flow any nauseous, foul, offensive, or putrid liquid or substance from any premises to any street, alley, or adjacent premises. (2006 Code § 6-4-1)
F. Allowing to develop any noxious weed of any height, and any other "weed", hereby defined as to include all rank vegetable growth exceeding eight inches (8") in height. "Noxious weeds" are hereby defined as those characterized by the exhalation of unpleasant or noxious odors, or concealing filthy deposits, or having equivalent characteristics. (Ord. 2007-6, 11-19-2007)
G. Causing or permitting grass, leaves, underbrush, or other combustible matter to be collected, to be deposited, or to remain on one's premises in such quantities and in such condition as to materially increase the danger to property of others from fire.
H. Permitting or allowing garbage, junk, trash, debris, or discarded material or property to exist upon the premises other than in a proper container.
I. Placing, depositing, or storing dirt, rock, brick, rubble, or other similar used building materials on a residential lot.
J. Maintaining an unsightly yard or area where junk, wrecked, or disabled automobiles, trucks, equipment, or other such matter is allowed to accumulate.
K. Obstructing any watercourse, ravine, or gutter so as to cause water to stagnate therein; or to permit foul or stagnant water to stand upon any premises to the prejudice of others.
L. Obstructing or encroaching upon public highways, streets, alleys, and sidewalks; or obstructing or encroaching upon private ways to the prejudice of the owner thereof.
M. Allowing rats or a rat harborage to exist on any premises in such numbers as to constitute an infestation.
N. Maintaining or permitting to exist any open "cistern" as, defined in subsection 4-1-3-4A of this chapter, or any "abandoned well", as defined in subsection 4-1-3-5A of this chapter.
O. Placing, other than on an established pick up day, a burn barrel or other receptacle used to collect garbage or other refuse, within the front yard of any premises; or placing such receptacle less than a distance of twenty feet (20') from any house, or less than five feet (5') from any garage, shed, tree, power pole, or other burnable object, when such container is used for the purpose of burning; or placing such receptacle within a side yard or back yard facing a city street less than fifty feet (50') from the middle of such street; provided, however, that if the owner or other possessor of premises believes it to be impossible to avoid the prohibitions of this subsection, such person shall notify the city and shall request a variance or exception from this subsection, and the city council may grant or deny such variance or exception. (2006 Code § 6-4-1)