§ 152.20 STREETS.
   (A)   Widths. Street right-of-way widths shall be as shown in the Comprehensive Guide Plan and where applicable shall conform to county and state standards for trunk highways. In general, minimum widths should be as follows:
300 feet
100 feet
60 feet
Local streets
50 feet
   (B)   Horizontal alignment. When connecting street lines deflect from each other by more than ten degrees, they shall be connected by a curve with a minimum radius of 300 feet for collector streets and 100 feet for local streets.
   (C)   Vertical alignment. Different connecting street gradients shall be connected with vertical curves. Minimum sight distance shall be 200 feet for local streets and 300 feet for collector streets measured from points five feet above street centerline.
   (D)   Minimum and maximum grades.  
      (1)   Minimum: 0.5%.
      (2)   Maximum: 5% for collector streets, 7% for local streets.
   (E)   Minimum carrying capacity. Seven-ton axle loading for local streets. Nine-ton axle loading based on traffic volumes for arterial and collector streets.
   (F)   Local streets. Local streets shall be laid out so that their use by through traffic will be discouraged.
   (G)   Cul-de-sacs.  
      (1)   Maximum length: 700 feet.
      (2)   Minimum radius of turnaround (right-of-way): 60 feet.
      (3)   Where certain topographic features or other unusual circumstances dictate, special consideration may be given to longer cul-de-sacs.
   (H)   Direct access to major thoroughfares. In the case where a proposed plat is adjacent to a freeway, thoroughfare or collector street as defined by the Guide Plan, there shall be no direct access from individual lots to the major thoroughfares. In the platting of small tracts of land fronting on major thoroughfares, where no other access is available, a temporary entrance permit may be granted by the State or County Highway Department. Provision shall be made in the plats for the connection of roads to neighboring land. As the neighboring land is platted and developed, and alternate means of access becomes possible, the temporary entrance permits shall become void.
   (I)   Half streets. Half streets shall be prohibited except where it will be practical to require the dedication of the other half when the adjoining property is subdivided, in which case the dedication of a half street may be permitted. The probable length of time elapsing before dedication of the remainder shall be considered in this decision.
   (J)   Private streets. Private streets shall not be permitted, nor shall public improvements be approved for private streets.
   (K)   Street names. Street names shall comply with the city street naming and numbering system.
   (L)   Stub streets. Where adjoining lands are not subdivided, some of the streets in the new subdivision shall be required to be extended to the boundary line of the tract to make provision for future access into adjacent areas.
   (M)   Street continuation and extension. The arrangement of streets shall provide for the continuation of existing streets from adjoining areas into new subdivisions where appropriate.
   (N)   Street location and dedication. All subdivisions shall be required to conform to the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Thoroughfare and collector streets shown on the Guide Plan shall be dedicated, in the locations and widths shown, to the city as a condition of plat approval.
(1989 Code, § 12.06, Subd. 1)