(A)   The floodplain district as overlay zoning district. The floodplain zoning district shall be considered an overlay zoning district to all existing land use regulations of the city. The uses permitted in §§ 151.20 and 151.21 shall be permitted only if not prohibited by any established, underlying zoning district. The requirements of this chapter shall apply in addition to other legally established regulations of the city and where this chapter imposes greater restrictions, the provisions of this chapter shall apply.
   (B)   Compliance. No new structure or land shall hereafter be used and no structure shall be located, extended, converted or structurally altered without full compliance with the terms of this chapter and other applicable regulations which apply to uses within the jurisdiction of this chapter. Within the floodway and flood fringe, all uses not listed as permitted uses in § 151.20 shall be prohibited. In addition, a caution is provided here that:
      (1)   New manufactured homes, replacement manufactured homes and certain travel trailers and travel vehicles are subject to the general provisions of this chapter and specifically § 151.22;
      (2)   Modifications, additions, structural alterations or repair after damage to existing nonconforming structures and nonconforming uses of structures or land are regulated by the general provisions of this chapter and specifically § 151.39; and
      (3)   As-built elevations for elevated structures must be certified by ground surveys as stated in §§ 151.35 through 151.37.
(1989 Code, § 13.04) (Ord. 21, 2nd Ser., eff. 5-30-1997)