(A)   All applications for licensing or registration shall be immediately referred to a police officer, and by him or her investigated as to the truth thereof. He or she shall have five business days within which to investigate and make a recommendation thereon.
   (B)   If he or she finds no past history of the applicant indicating violations similar to those declared unlawful in this chapter, he or she shall recommend issuing a license or approving registration, as the case may be, and the City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer shall forthwith advise the applicant. The City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer shall issue a license, upon payment of the fee therefor, to the approved applicant for business solicitation, and shall approve the completion of registration by the applicant for a contribution solicitor.
   (C)   If the peace officer finds a past history of the applicant indicating violations similar to those declared unlawful in this chapter, he or she shall recommend denial of the license or registration. In all matters of recommended denial the applicant shall be forthwith advised thereof, and the application shall be referred to the Council and considered by it at its next regular or special meeting occurring more than ten days thereafter. The applicant shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard at the meeting.
(1989 Code, § 6.31, Subd. 5)