§ 90.23 ABATEMENT.
   The City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer or the Police Department, or its designee, or any other person designated by City Council motion, may give written notice to the owner or occupant of the property requiring that the nuisance be abated within 48 hours. Notice shall be personally served upon the owner or occupant of the property. If the nuisance is not abated within the 48-hour time period, unless good cause is shown by the owner or occupant for an additional period of time, the city or its designee may enter onto the property and abate the nuisance by causing the weeds and grasses to be cut and removed at the expense of the owner, and may remove any garbage, refuse or other materials accumulated on the property at the expense of the owner, and if not paid, the cost for the work shall be certified to the real estate as a special assessment, in accordance with this code of ordinances.
(Am. Ord. 87, passed 5-19-2020) Penalty, see § 90.99