Every short-term rental license is subject to revocation for violations of this section or any other provision of Minnesota or City of Aurora ordinances.
   (A)   Violations. Violations of this section shall be reported to the City Clerk's Office. The City Administrator shall review the violation and provide written notice to the license holder of the violation and any necessary remedial actions.
   (B)   Revocation. If a license holder fails to correct a violation or receives three violations within any 12 month period, the City Administrator shall recommend revocation of the short-term rental license to the City Council. The City Council and City Administrator shall provide written notice to the owner and any registered agent of the revocation. The notice shall inform the owner and agent of the right to appeal the decision to the Aurora City Council.
   (C)   Appeal. A license holder aggrieved by the revocation of a short-term rental license may appeal to the City Council. Such appeal shall be taken by filing with the City Clerk's office within ten days after date of issuance of the written revocation notice, a written statement requesting a hearing before the City Council and setting forth fully the grounds for the appeal. A hearing shall be held within 30 days of receipt of the request. Notice of the hearing shall be given by the City Clerk's Office in writing, setting forth the time and place of the hearing. Such notice shall be mailed, postage prepaid, to the license holder at his/her last known address at least five days prior to the date set for hearing.
   (D)   Effect of revocation. If a short-term rental license is revoked, it shall be unlawful for anyone to thereafter allow any new short-term rental occupancies of the dwelling unit until such time as a valid short-term rental license is issued by the city. No person who has had a license revoked under this section shall be issued a short-term rental license for one year from the date of revocation.
(Ord. 98, passed 5-2-2023)