§ 153.097 PROCEDURE.
   The following procedural and informational requirements shall be followed for planned unit development requests:
   (A)   Planning Commission review. The applicant shall meet with the Planning Commission prior to the preparation of plans to relate his or her intent. The Planning Commission will evaluate the consistency of his or her intent with the Comprehensive Guide Plan and thereafter authorize preparation of a Concept Plan and supportive information. The applicant shall provide 20 copies of complete set of materials in booklet form.
   (B)   Concept plan and supportive information. The applicant shall prepare graphic and written material as follows in booklet form:
      (1)   Property description and acreage, identification of owner and developer;
      (2)   Existing conditions, regional relationships, surrounding property ownership, relationship to Guide Plan, existing land use, transportation, zoning, utilities and the like;
      (3)   Natural features, water, topography, soils, vegetation and the like, and their implications, if any, for development;
      (4)   Concept Plan showing land use areas, land use intensities, acreages, numbers of units, proposed circulation, open space, recreation and development staging; and
      (5)   Written information describing proposed land use objectives, the type and character of buildings and the methods of providing utilities and the like.
   (C)   Review. The applicant shall allow a minimum of two weeks for staff review and the staff shall take no more than four weeks to review the Concept Plan and supportive information prior to submission to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall review the information and recommend approval of the Concept Plan, revision or reapplication or denial of the Concept Plan.
   (D)   Findings. In approving the Concept Plan, the Planning Commission must find as follows and forward its findings to the Council:
      (1)   The plan provides sufficient usable open space and evidences a substantial preservation of natural features to warrant the granting of variances through planned unit development;
      (2)   The plan complies with the intent of the Comprehensive Guide Plan;
      (3)   The proposed development will not be detrimental to surrounding properties; and
      (4)   The plan is more creative and will provide a better living, working or shopping environment than is possible under strict requirements of this chapter.
   (E)   Public hearing; Concept Plan. The Council shall conduct a public hearing and may after having reviewed the Concept Plan and heard public comment, reject the Concept Plan, request revision or reapplication, approve the Concept Plan and incorporate the booklet along with the conditions of approval into the zoning chapter as an amendment thereto, the Concept Plan becoming the regulation for the site thereafter.
   (F)   Final development plan; rezoning. The applicant shall prepare a final development plan for that part of the site to be rezoned and shall prepare graphic and written material as follows in booklet form (20 copies):
      (1)   Legal descriptions of all parcels to be rezoned;
      (2)   Zoning classifications requested;
      (3)   Detailed site plan showing all dimensions, structures, parking and streets, utilities, common open spaces and grading;
      (4)   Covenants and restrictions, if any, applying to each tract and to open spaces and including the responsibility for the maintenance and operation of common areas and facilities;
      (5)   Density and gross building computations;
      (6)   Preliminary architectural drawings for each different building type, except single-family dwellings, showing building elevations, schematic floor plans, unit relationships, activity areas, building materials and the like;
      (7)   Landscape plan and schedule showing types, quantity, sizes and location of plant materials;
      (8)   Construction-occupancy schedule; and
      (9)   A description of the nature and character of nonresidential developments, including a description of waste emissions activities conducted on the premises and the like.
   (G)   Formal application; rezoning. The applicant shall file a rezoning petition, pay fees and submit graphic information for review by the staff and Planning Commission.
   (H)   Review. The Planning Commission and staff shall review the final development plan to determine if it conforms with the Guide Plan and the approved Concept Plan and shall recommend approval of the final development plan, revision or reapplication, or denial of the plan.
   (I)   Public hearing, final development plan. The Council shall conduct a public hearing and may reject the plan, request revision or reapplication, approve the final development plan and incorporate the booklet into the zoning chapter as an amendment thereto, the plan to be placed permanently on record in the City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer’s office to serve as the zoning regulations for the site thereafter. Requested changes in the final development plan after approval has been granted will require a public hearing and the submission of an amended plan document unless the changes are minor enough to be authorized by administrative directive.
(1989 Code, § 11.55, Subd. 3) (Ord. 129, eff. 4-24-1976)