17.54.080   Action of the city council.
   A.   Upon receipt of the resolution and report of the city planning commission, the city council shall hold at least one public hearing with public notice as prescribed in Section 17.54.040. Following the noticed public hearing, the city council shall approve, deny or modify the city planning commission recommendation.
   B.   If the element or amendment has been approved by the city planning commission, the city council shall not modify the recommendation until the proposed change or modification has been referred back to the city planning commission for a report and a copy of the report has been filed with the city council. Failure of the city planning commission to report within forty (40) days after the reference, or such longer period as may be designated by the city council shall be deemed to be approval of the proposed change or modification. It shall not be necessary for the city planning commission to hold a public hearing on such proposed change or modification.
   C.   The adoption of a general plan element, or amendment, shall be by resolution of the city council.
(Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: prior code § 7657)