17.44.090   Action of city council.
   A.   Upon receipt of the resolution or report of the city planning commission, the city council shall review the application or the proposal and shall consider the resolution or report of the commission and the report of the city planning staff.
   B.   The city council shall make a specific finding as to whether the change is required to achieve the objectives of the zoning ordinance prescribed in Section 17.02.020. If the council finds that the change is required, it shall enact an ordinance amending the zoning map or an ordinance amending the regulations of this title, whichever is appropriate. The city council may impose conditions on the change of zone for the property where it finds that said conditions must be imposed so as not to create problems inimical to the public health, safety and general welfare of the city and its residents. If conditions are imposed on a change of zone, said conditions shall run with the land and shall not automatically be removed by a subsequent reclassification or change in ownership of the property. Said conditions may be removed only by the city council after recommendation by the planning commission. If the council finds that the change is not required, it shall deny the application or reject the proposal. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: prior code § 7587)