17.36.060   Office zones (O-PA, O-C, BRP).
   The following standards shall apply to sites within a O-PA, O-C, or BRP zone:
   A.   Where a site in the OPA, O-C, or BRP zone adjoins an R-A, R-1 or R-M zone a concrete or masonry wall not less than seven feet in height shall be located on the property line except in a required front yard, and suitably maintained. A landscaped buffer can be approved by the planning commission in place of the wall as an exception.
   B.   No fence or wall in the OPA, O-C, or BRP zone shall exceed seven feet in height if located in a required side or rear yard or three feet in height if located in a required front yard. A fence or wall may be allowed in a required front yard to a height of four feet provided that the additional one-foot height is not of a solid material, upon approval of the city planner.
   C.   Exceptions may be granted in accordance with Chapter 17.42. (Ord. 2017-01 (part), 2017: Ord. 9605 § 30 (part), 1996: prior code § 7517)