6.28.040   Breeder permit.
   A.   It is unlawful for any person to breed more than one litters of dogs and/or cats in one year for sale
or profit or to advertise for the sale/adoption of such animals without first obtaining a breeder permit.
   B.   The fees for a breeder permit shall be set by resolution of the city council and must be submitted to the Poundmaster for the breeding of dogs or cats that produce one or more litters in a year, as well as advertising for the sale of dogs and cats within the city limits. Breeding permit requirements are as follows:
      1.   No offspring can be sold/adopted until eight weeks of age;
      2.   No offspring can be sold/adopted until vaccinated against common diseases;
      3.   The breeder permit holder must display the permit number when advertising the animals for sale/adoption.
(Ord. 2019-09 § 2, 2019; prior code § 4653)