5.12.080   Appeal of revocation to city council.
   A.   Any holder of a license whose license is revoked under this chapter shall have the right, within ten days after receiving notice in writing of the revocation, to file a written appeal to the city council. Such appeal shall set forth the specific ground or grounds on which it is based. The city council shall hold a hearing on the appeal within thirty (30) days after its receipt by the city, or at a time thereafter agreed upon and shall cause the appellant to be given at least ten days written notice of such hearing. At the hearing the appellant or its authorized representative shall have the right to present evidence and a written or oral argument, or both, in support of his appeal. The determination of the city council on the appeal shall be final.
   B.   Any organization whose license is revoked under this section shall not conduct any bingo game in the city until such time as the city council, on appeal, determines to overrule the decision of the chief of police. (Prior code § 5083)