Sec. 5. Administrative support to commission.
The director of the human resources department shall act as secretary to the commission and shall keep its minutes and make a record of all its work. Such minutes, eligible registers and employee roster cards shall be open at all times to the public during office hours, subject to the rules and regulations of the civil service commission; the examination materials and other confidential records and reports shall in like manner be open to the public only if and as provided for by the rules and regulations of the civil service commission. The commission shall never delegate its duty of hearing the appeal of anyone holding a position in the classified service, under the provisions of this Charter.
(Ord. No. 7274, § 1, eff. 12-11-89)
   Editors Note: Proposition 105 of an election called by Ord. No. 7274 for Nov. 7, 1989, approved by the governor Dec. 11, 1989, added a new § 5. Former § 5 is now § 6.