2.48.050   Employee identification cards.
   A.   An official identification card may be carried or worn by all department employees who, in line of duty, may be required to enter upon private premises.
   B.   Every officer or employee, upon resignation or dismissal from the department, shall forthwith surrender and deliver to the proper official all identification cards, badges, and credentials of the department.
   C.   It is unlawful for any unauthorized person to possess, carry, wear, or exhibit any badge or other official identification of the department, nor shall any person, whether or not possession is authorized, display, exhibit, or cause to be exhibited any badge or other official identification of the department at any time, place, or in any manner, or for any purpose which is not authorized by the department.
(Ord. 596 § 2 (part), 1966: prior code § 21.04.135, 21.04.150, 21.04.185)