(A)   If any person or groups of persons has knowledge or reasonable grounds to suspect that animal owners are maintaining dogs or other animals in such a manner as to constitute a nuisance by reason of unhealthful conditions, or maltreatment, they shall have the right to complain to local law enforcement agencies, health officials, or humane society officials and such authorities shall investigate the complaint.
   (B)   Such officials shall have full authority to examine complainant and other witnesses for relevant testimony and to prescribe and counsel corrective measures consistent with § 93.17 to the animal owner.
   (C)   If, after a period of ten days, the owner/keeper fails to comply with the corrective measures ordered by health or government officials then such shall be deemed a violation of this subchapter, unless a court of law finds that such measures were unreasonable.
(Ord. 2021-9, passed 5-18-21; Am. Ord. 2023-24, passed 10-17-23)