General Provisions
   92.001   Title
   92.002   References
   92.003   Definitions
   92.004   Powers and duties
Dog Licenses
   92.015   License and registration required
   92.016   Exhibition of license
   92.017   Issuance of license tags and certificates
   92.018   License fees; time limit; failure to obtain or renew license
   92.019   License fee exemptions
   92.020   Showing of tag
   92.021   Removal of registration tags
   92.022   Counterfeiting tags
   92.023   Transferability
   92.024   Licensing requirement
   92.025   License fee a debt
Rabies Vaccination
   92.035   Vaccinations required
   92.036   Revaccination
   92.037   Rabies certificate
Animals Running at Large
   92.045   Running at large prohibited
   92.046   Giving notice of captured animals
   92.047   Other animals running at large
   92.048   Wild or vicious animals
   92.060   Animal shelter provided
   92.061   Impounding at animal shelter
   92.062   Care of animals
   92.063   Reclaiming of animals
   92.064   Fees for services
   92.065   Destruction of impounded unfit animals
   92.066   Impounding and quarantine
   92.067   Notice and redemption of impounded dog
   92.068   Fee for recovery of dog or cat
   92.069   Release requirement
   92.070   Minimum period of impounding dogs and cats
   92.071   Sale of impounded dogs and cats; summary destruction
Quarantine Requirements; Rabies Suspects
   92.085   Notification required regarding rabid dog
   92.086   Knowledge of bite; duty to report
   92.087   Dogs and other animals to be quarantined for 10 days
   92.088   Bites to animals
Keeping of Animals; Sales
   92.100   Spaying or altering required
   92.101   Dog feces
   92.102   Artificial treatment
   92.103   Sale of young
   92.104   Sanitary maintenance of animals
   92.105   Veterinarians notice of death of animals
   92.106   Carcass of animal
   92.107   Animals in stores or conveyances
   92.108   Transporting animals in motor vehicles
   92.109   Keeping diseased animals prohibited; exception
   92.110   Noisy animals
   92.111   Traps prohibited
   92.120   Breeding of dogs and dog kennels
   92.121   Breeding of cats and cat kennels
   92.122   Cat or dog breeding permit
   92.123   Cat kennels
   92.135   Optional identification license for cats
Wild or Vicious Animals
   92.145   Keeping wild or vicious animal within or upon own premises
   92.146   Permit for wild or vicious animal
   92.147   Application for permit
   92.148   Permit fee
   92.149   Review of application for permit
   92.150   Appeal of permit application denied
   92.151   Denial of permit
   92.152   Temporary permits
   92.153   Result of failure to obtain permit
   92.154   Term and renewal of permits
   92.155   Revocation
   92.156   Appeal of permit revocation
   92.157   Commercial establishments
   92.158   Exception for transportation of animals through city
   92.159   Exempt from permit requirement
Department of Animal Care and Control
   92.170   Established; office of Director created
   92.171   Police powers
   92.172   Duties
   92.173   Interference with duty
   92.174   Entering upon premises
   92.175   Cruelty statutes
   92.176   Spay and neuter clinic
Statutory reference:
   Cruelty to animals, see Cal. Penal Code §§ 597 et seq.