(A)   Essential services shall be permitted as authorized under any franchise or that may be required by any law of the state, or any ordinance of the village, it being the intention hereof to exempt the essential services from the application of this chapter.
   (B)   It shall be lawful for public utilities, municipal departments, or commissions to erect, construct, alter, or maintain overhead or underground gas, telephone cable, electrical, steam or water distribution or transmission systems, collection, communication supply or disposal systems, including poles and towers, drains, sewers, pipes, conduits, wires, cables, fire alarm boxes, police equipment, and accessories in connection therewith; providing those services are below ground or located within a public right-of-way.
   (C)    Essential services located above-ground and outside of public rights-of-way will be subject to the following terms and conditions:
      (1)   The erection or construction of any or all buildings and structures shall be designed and erected to conform harmoniously to the general architecture and plan of such zoning district in which it is to be erected;
      (2)   All buildings or structures must comply with the use, height, area, building, or structure necessary for public convenience and service; provided that the public building, structure, or use is designed, erected, and landscaped to conform harmoniously with the general architecture and plan of the zoning district, and the advantage of the proposed location to the utility is not outweighed by the detriment to the locality, and a different suitable location is not readily available; and
      (3)   Are screened from view, as much as possible, using natural materials. Landscaping is preferred to walls and fences.
(Prior Code, § 154.051) (Ord. 48, passed 6-21-2005) Penalty, see § 154.999