§ 21-2101. Required Submission of Program-Based Budgeting Data.
   (1)   Beginning with the submission of the proposed Fiscal Year 2015 operating budget ordinance, the Finance Director shall submit to Council, together with the Mayor's proposed annual operating budget ordinance, a pilot of program-based budgeting that will include both cost and performance data, with a goal of moving towards a zero- based budgeting approach rather than allocating funds incrementally based on previous year funding levels, following the program-based budgeting procedure adopted by the Finance Director pursuant to Section 21-2102.
   (2)   Beginning with the submission of the proposed Fiscal Year 2016 operating budget ordinance, the Finance Director shall submit to Council, together with the Mayor's proposed annual operating budget ordinance, complete program-based budgeting data for each function for which appropriations are made in the proposed budget, including both cost and performance data, with a goal of moving towards a zero-based budgeting approach rather than allocating funds incrementally based on previous year funding levels, following the program-based budgeting procedure adopted by the Finance Director pursuant to Section 21-2102.