1)   No officer or employee in the classified service of the city shall directly or indirectly, orally or by letter, solicit or receive, or be in any manner concerned in soliciting or receiving any assessment, subscription, or contribution for any political party or for any candidate for public office; nor shall any person solicit directly or indirectly, orally or by letter, or be in any manner concerned in soliciting any such assessment, contribution, or payment from any officer or employee in the classified service of the city, nor shall any officer or employee in the classified service of the city be an officer in any political organization or take part in politics other than to vote as the officer or employee pleases and to express freely political opinions.
      2)   Nothing in division (1) of this Rule 12 prohibits an officer or employee described in that division from serving as a precinct election official under O.R.C. 3501.22. An officer or employee who serves as a precinct election official may use vacation leave to so serve.
      3)   Any violation herein shall be construed as a violation of O.R.C. 124.57.
(Ord. 039-10. Passed 6-7-10.)