514.   Composition and Limitation upon County Funds
   (a)   All revenues and receipts from special services or benefit charges; special taxes or assessments imposed upon special taxing areas for special or particular services, purposes or benefits; funds held by the County as trustee or agent; special grants; or bond proceeds shall be paid into and appropriated from special funds created for such purposes and may not be used for any other purpose except the purpose for which a fund was created. All other revenues and receipts of the County from taxes, grants, State revenues and other receipts shall be paid into and appropriated from the general fund, which is the primary fund for the financing of current expenses for the conduct of Government business.
   (b)   With the recommendation of the Executive, the Council, by the Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance, or by other legislative act, may provide for the establishment of working capital or revolving funds for the financing of central stores, equipment pools, or other services common to the agencies of the Government.
   (c)   Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, upon recommendation of the Executive, the Council may establish a reserve fund for permanent public improvements. The Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance may dedicate cash surpluses, taxes, and other sources of revenue not otherwise appropriated to this reserve fund.
   (d)   Nothing in this Charter may be construed to prevent the making of contracts, leases, or other obligations that provide for the payment of funds at a time beyond the end of the fiscal year in which these contracts are made, provided the nature of these transactions reasonably requires the making of these contracts, leases or other obligations. The Council shall authorize by law any contract, lease, or other obligation in excess of $20,000 that would obligate the County to appropriate funds in the Operating Budget for more than a single fiscal year. The amount of $20,000 for such contracts, leases or obligations may be revised by law from time to time, but no more frequently than annually, and may not be less than $20,000.