Section 24. Tax lists.
   The Clerk and Treasurer shall, on the third Monday in May of each and every year, make advertisement in some newspaper, notifying all persons residing in the Town of Franklin who own or have control of taxable property in the Town on the first of June to return to him on or before the last day of June a list of their taxable property in the Town. The list shall state the number of lots or parts of lots and all other property now taxable or that may hereafter be made taxable by the laws of the State or the ordinances of the Town, and the list so returned to the Clerk and Treasurer shall be sworn to before him, and he is hereby authorized to administer to them the following oath: "I, __________________________ do solemnly swear that the tax return made out and returned by me contains a full and accurate list of the number of lots owned by me in the Town, a full and accurate list of all property, stocks, bonds, shares in incorporated companies, income, solvent credits and all other property of all kinds and descriptions subject to taxation by the laws of the State and ordinances of the Town according to my best information and belief: So help me, God." And from the return so made the Clerk and Treasurer shall, within 30 days after the expiration of the time for taking the list, make out in a book kept for that purpose an alphabetical list of the persons and owners of property who have so made their return in the same manner as tax lists are made out by law for the collection of State taxes. And the Clerk and Treasurer shall copy in the book the assessments made by the Board of Township Assessors of all property within the Town limits, which assessment may be revised, corrected or amended by the Town Council. (Pr. Laws 1905, C. 26, Sec. 20; Am. Ord. 2017-006, adopted 5-15-17)