10-40-070 Harbor district No. 3.
   The public waters, the submerged lands, the artificially made or reclaimed lands, and other lands which shall constitute and shall be known as harbor district No. 3, are hereby defined and particularly described as follows:
   Beginning at a point which is on a line four hundred feet south of the east and west centerline, extended east, of section twenty-two, township thirty- nine north, range fourteen, east of the third principal meridian, and thirty-two hundred and seventy-three and thirty-seven one-hundredths feet east of the westerly right-of-way line of the Illinois Central Railroad, thence southeasterly to a point fifty feet north of the centerline of E. Cermak Road extended easterly and twenty-seven hundred and thirty-two feet east of said westerly right- of-way line, thence southeasterly to a point six hundred and ninety feet north of a point which is on the centerline of E. Twenty-seventh Street extended easterly and twenty-three hundred and seventy feet east of the said westerly right-of-way line, thence southeasterly to a point seven hundred feet north of a point which is on the centerline, extended east, of E. Thirty-first Street and twenty-two hundred and forty feet east of said westerly right-of-way line, thence southeasterly on a line towards a point eight hundred and ninety feet north of a point which is on the centerline extended east of E. Thirty-fifth Street and twenty-one hundred and eighty- five feet east of said westerly right-of-way line to the south line extended east of E. Thirty-first Street, thence due east for a distance of fifty-two hundred and eighty feet, thence due north to the line four hundred feet south of the east and west centerline extended easterly of section twenty-two, township thirty-nine north, range fourteen, east of the third principal meridian, thence west along the line four hundred feet south of the east and west centerline extended easterly of section twenty- two, township thirty-nine, range fourteen east, to the point of beginning.
   In the event that the city, pursuant to clause (c) of Section 6 of the ordinance passed July 21, 1919, under which harbor district No. 3 was created, shall elect to fill in and reclaim that part of the submerged lands lying between the eastern and western boundaries of the lands described in Schedule IV of said last-mentioned ordinance and between the north and south lines of said harbor district area, respectively extended west, and to declare the same to be a part of harbor district No. 3, the said harbor district area described in this section shall be then considered to extend westward over the land so reclaimed by the city, between the north and south lines of harbor district No. 3, respectively, extended west.
   All of the aforesaid public waters, submerged lands, artificially made or reclaimed lands, and other lands and public waters in said harbor district No. 3 are situated within the jurisdiction and corporate limits of the city and are by this section declared to be necessary and appropriate for the purposes enumerated in said act of the general assembly mentioned in Section 10-40-040.
(Prior code § 38-6)