10-8-170 Violation – Penalty – Corporation counsel to institute action.
   Any person who violates any provision of this chapter relating to solicitation of charitable contributions on the public way shall be fined $1,000.00. Each day that a violation is committed shall be considered a separate and distinct offense. Any charitable organization that violates any provision of this chapter relating to solicitation of charitable contributions on the public way shall have their privileges suspended for a period of one year. Any charitable organization that violates any provision of this chapter a second time shall have their privileges suspended for a second year. Any charitable organization that violates any provision of this chapter a third time shall be prohibited from soliciting charitable contributions on the public way. Any charitable organization that has any fines or fees outstanding as a result of any provision of this chapter shall have all fee waivers temporarily placed on hold until the aforementioned fines or fees are resolved. The corporation counsel, upon learning of violations of the provisions of this chapter relating to solicitation of charitable contributions of the public way, may institute an action in the appropriate court to seek an injunction against such violation in addition to the fines authorized by this section.
(Prior code § 36-17; Added Coun. J. 12-18-84, p. 12004; 1-23-85, p. 12746; Amend Coun. J. 10-1-97, p. 53406, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 11-17-10, p. 107315, § 5)