Cost Recovery Program
   23.001   Reimbursement required
   23.002   Notice of intention to recover costs
   23.003   Bill
   23.004   Penalty
   23.005   Lien against the lot
   23.006   Copy to be included with bill
Employment Policies
   23.020   Adopting a conflict of interest code
   23.021   Policy against harassment
District Policies; General
   23.035   Adopting federally required alcohol and drug testing policy
   23.036   Establishing the district illness and injury prevention plan
   23.037   Adopting smoking policy
   23.038   Contract negotiating ground rules
   23.039   Workplace electric vehicle charging policy
   23.040   Accessory dwelling unit policy
District Policies; HR/Payroll
   23.050   Reserved
   23.051   Adopting acting pay for exempt employees policy
   23.052   Adopting a Board employee performance evaluation policy
   23.053   Adopting recruitment and retention incentive policy
   23.054   Adopting policies for providing priority service to affordable housing projects
District Policies; Accounting and Finance
   23.065   Adoption of surplus asset disposal policy
   23.066   Adopting a budget policy
   23.067   Adopting purchasing policy
   23.068   Adoption of an expense reimbursement and travel policy
   23.069   Amendments to the fixed asset policy to increase capitalization threshold
   23.070   Adopting policies establishing the use, amount and source of funds for capital and operational reserves
   23.071   Adopting debt management policy
District Policies; Operations
   23.085   Adoption of vehicle use policy
   23.086   Adoption of golf cart/utility vehicle policy
   23.087   Adoption of chemical root control policy
District Policies; Board
   23.100   Adopting rules of order for Board and Committee meetings policy
District Policies; Administration
   23.115   Adopting the records retention and destruction policy
   23.116   Amendments to the records retention and destruction policy to include an email retention policy
Personnel Policies and Handbook
   23.130   Employee Handbook adopted by reference
Editor’s Note:
   The District’s Public Records Request Policy can be accessed at