6-13.07   Conditions for Registration.
   A certificate of registration is valid for the term for which it is issued only if the following conditions are met throughout the registration period:
      1.   The insurance required by this Subchapter remains in effect;
      2.   If the registrant is an individual, the survival of the individual;
      3.   If the registrant is a partnership, no change in the composition of the partnership, by death or otherwise;
      4.   If the registrant is a corporation or limited liability company, survival of that corporation or limited liability company, including compliance with all applicable laws governing the corporation or limited liability company; and,
      5.   An entity whose certificate of registration has lapsed is considered nonregistered from the date the lapse occurred until the date the registration is renewed, reissued or reinstated. During the period of lapse, the entity shall not perform the work of a contractor.
(Ord. BG2006-25, 7/18/2006; Ord. BG2006-27, 8/15/2006)