6-7.02   Review by Historic Preservation Board.
   Upon receipt of a demolition permit application, the Department of Neighborhood and Community Services shall forward the application to the staff of the Historic Preservation Board. No demolition permit required by this Subchapter shall be issued until after the staff of the Historic Preservation Board is allowed to perform an initial examination of the structure and determine if the structure is at least fifty (50) years old and/or has any historic significance. Such examination is to be conducted on every proposed demolition regardless of whether the building or structure is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. However, under no circumstances shall such examination exceed five (5) working days in length. The time shall begin to run from the date that the application to demolish is filed with the Department of Neighborhood and Community Services.
(Ord. BG2006-27, 8/15/2006; reference Ord. BG2011-30, 6/27/2011)