No person shall throw, drop or deposit, or cause to be thrown, dropped or deposited, on any premises or vacant property in the city any waste, including but not limited to garbage, ashes, rubbish, building rubbish, dead animals, putrescible matter, the spillage of excavated dirt, tree limbs, leaves and grass clippings and anything injurious to health; provided, that the prohibition contained in this section shall not apply to the deposit of wastes not injurious to health on a public site where permission to make such deposit is granted by the board of health of the city nor to the filling in or grading of property with earth, mud, ashes and similar materials. No person shall throw, drop or deposit, or cause to be thrown, dropped or deposited, on any street, avenue, alley, highway, footway, sidewalk, park or other public place or space in the city any waste, including but not limited to garbage, rubbish, ashes, building rubbish, dead animals, putrescible matter and anything injurious to health; provided, that building rubbish and material used for building, construction, repair, remodeling and excavating operations may be deposited in the places set out in this section in accordance with this Code or other applicable ordinances.
(1964 Code, § 11-9)