No person shall be a candidate for election to the office of city councilperson after having been elected to the office for three consecutive four-year terms. No person shall be a candidate for election to the office of city councilperson who has held the office for more than two years of a four-year term and has been elected to the office for the next following two four-year terms. Nothing in this section shall prevent any person who has thereby held the office of city councilperson from being a candidate for election to the office if at least three years have elapsed since his or her last term of office has expired. This section shall not apply to any person holding the office of city councilperson on the date of its approval by the voters of the city.
Editor's note: This section was added by Resolution No. R76-153, which was approved by the voters of the city at a general and special election held on November 2, 1976. This section was amended by the voters of the city on March 26, 1996.